because of exams and deadlines, I didn't get the time to blog. I'll do a DAMN quick summary of the events i noted down in my scheduler.
23rd March - Rachel's 21st. She was all princessy and dressed up as usual. Too many friends to entertain as usual, so we entertained ourselves. Met up with guys I'd not seen since we collected our O Level results. I am absolutely thankful for these events that bring people together. Birthdays, Weddings even Funerals.
25/26th March - A day of storms. I quarreled with Shawn over a whole bunch of things. It was silly (it always is on hindsight). It was about our future and our different aspirations in life. About our expectations of each other and how (or whether) we ought to live up to these expectations. It was a dark time. But all couples go through times like that. And with the support of my favourite friends, I think I got through it all.
27th March, 29th March - A double sleepover. First at Juan's then at my place with the climbing girls. It's all a blur now. But I remember it took my mind away from school for a bit (which is always a welcomed respite) and we talked. Days like this make me wish I never left KE. Or that I could replay my Freshman year. I was happy to host them and make the X course meal (guaca and chips, cheese and crackers, pasta, fried rice, brownies...). Strangers Reunion for breakfast the next day before we parted :)
30th March - KEVII DnD. I was half dead going for the dinner. But it was fun once again meeting up with hall mates, seeing pageant contestants work it after putting in weeks of work.
1st April - The day I attempted half the red roof route :) Roof phobia struck again. Don't like being suspended whilst parallel to the ground.
6th April - Mock Comp! Did pretty well, could have done better :)
6th-11th April - Spent time helping Juan film, edit and put together the video for Jensen's farewell. She did a great job seeing how limited a time we had to complete the project which involved coordinating so many JMF muscles.
10th April - Earnestly watched the Importance of being Ernest. Laughed our (Kris, Jac, Gwen, Juan, Choe, Si and I) heads off.
11th April - Jensen's farewell. It brought about bittersweet feelings. Nostalgia once again. I was :) about the fun times JMF shared. Not the big events where everyone was present, but the little shenanigans during training. People banging into walls. Literally falling over and laughing, setting impossible routes for ahpa. It was sad to see him leave and sadder to read his final email to us. It was also inevitable to think about the end of the year and what that meant for the team. The seniors would graduate and find jobs, some would go on exchange, there will be new blood joining us - all in all it won't be the same. Change.
13/14th April - Celebrated mommy's birthday by bringing her to awesome food. First it was dim sum at Sunshine Plaza (they were almost out of most dimsums. so we adjourned) Next was thai food. And to round it all up, yummy yummy Merely Ice Cream. It's so ironic. Merely and Ice Cream should never go together. It's like AWESOME ice cream. not meh, merely ice cream. Yknow? The next day, we had an extended family buffet at Holiday Inn. Don't ever go there. But for the company, the food wasn't too bad...
The rest of the month went by in a blur of books, notes, files. I flitted in and out of the craze watching WongFu and going to support the girls at NSSCC.
Summit next post!