But hey, i DID do an entire paper after school today with Sheena & zw.
Shall post the Sentosa pics, since they are FRESH LY uploaded
by CuiFen jie ^^
Oh yes, she did devotion on Tuesday
&& today Stephanie did a devotion on how God forgives us
It really tugged on my heartstrings..., because i can't seem to forgive her.
Though it's hard for us to forgive others, this prayer reminds us to
"Our Father in heaven...Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who've sinned
against us. Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil.
Give me the strength and courage to forgive like you forgive us.
Here are the pics! (=

Setting off!
That's my hand yo.
It reads, "Singapore!" =p

We're here!

Modified Dog&Bone...
Wondering why i'm standing on one leg??
... me too. ha

When i took this off Cui Fen Jie's PhotoBucket,
the caption was : "Beach babes and a hunk?"
(topless unidentified male in the background)
Oh! Apples from AH

From Left: Me!, CuiFen jie, Rachel (who's always,ALWAYS posing with her apple...)
Wan Ling and (top) Wei Jie (Sze Hui jie's Bro--lookalike eh?)
Yea, these are the pics so far, tune in for more!
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