School hall...
Looks really small now that we've grown so big...
Our school motto "The Way the Truth and the Life"
-John 14:6
School library... has changed a lot since!
We NEVER had lil' cosy corners for reading and rainbow-coloured bookshelves
and mats to lie on and pretty walls.....
LOOK! a reading area UNDER THE STAIRS.
man. i wish i was in 2002 or something...
You know what these are? Cubicle doors!
ohmy, soooo cute!
"Please keep the toilet clean!!"
"Flush the toilet after use!"
"Do not flick water onto the floor!!!"
MRS TEO! my P6 form teacher, calls me a bloodsucker.
=p or vampire. but yea, she's the best!
followed by me and best freinds from Pri sch, Elizabeth & Celestia
Sadly, stephanie couldn't make it.
Us three again =)
arent they just adorable? =)
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