Monday, February 22, 2010

*coughs* hi(:

Came down with a bug
Croaking and breathing through my mouth

and just as i was celebrating my recovered back!?

well. health update complete, school's just school
i'm still about (or less than) a tutorial behind for each subject
thankful for tests because it's the one thing that keeps me studying, on my toes
MCTs in 4 weeks.
a new pact made with Nelly to meet each Sunday for notes-making and the like (:

besides the boring stuff, Gravical's in slightly more than a week!
i'm not expecting anything because i've just recovered (if you've been reading right). not to say that i won't push my boundaries, because i know i will. this will be my first NBL comp, it's also going to be a world of difference from Bouldermania, an Invitational comp. Gravical's Novice Qualifiers are going to employ the FLASH format, which probably does more harm than good to us. sure, it saves time, but what happened to the importance of reading a route? =( The flash format merely tests one's strength and memory? sigh.

before that, Andrew's 18th ;D
what to buy? and can i make it? *hopes training is cancelled in view of Gravical XD

and the weekend brings with it my Grade8 piano practical exam
eeesssh. how encouraging, my piano teacher told me to be prepared in case i fail. tyvm

okay, now to listen to the BUDGET

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