Monday, May 02, 2011

penny for thoughts?

reading kristal's recent post got me thinking.
at 2am in the morning.
Mmhmm, there's no better time than dead silence

My answer: It's dynamic. It's not as technical and theory-based as Sciences. I like reading. I love reading, so people who say, "oh damn, FASS equals lotsa reading", i really don't take that as a minus. And lastly, gut feeling. For once, please let me have the freedom to choose purely based on individual interest. Sorry if I'm not as practical as you in wanting B.Eng so I'd have a guaranteed 6 month bonus or whatnot. I truly believe in pursuing my own happiness. So let me have it this once - it's life-determining.

NUS' answer(s):

Because we offer breadth, depth and choice.

" Our students have flexibility and choice."

Because we offer exciting learning possibilities.

"Joint degree programmes with leading Australian and American universities, double degree programmes, double majors and multidisciplinary minor programmes are available."

Because we offer excellent learning experiences.

extensive research into many areas"

Because we offer vital skill development for careers.

"You will gain skill in critical thinking, analysis, evaluation, problem solving, written and oral communication. In a world where the only constant is change, these skills are valued by employers because it means you can adapt quickly to changes, applying original thinking and knowledge to new situations and expressing your ideas succinctly.

FASS graduates are thus well positioned for a large variety of jobs in the public and private sector – teaching, publishing, advertising, marketing, corporate communications, event management, broadcasting, banking and finance, information technology, tourism planning and many more. You should not be surprised to find many successful entrepreneurs among our graduates too!"

So. I shall plunge headfirst into this new life (which i'm not exactly guaranteed at this point in time... "application (STILL) processing") and go in with a mind OPEN, a heart WILLING and a soul PASSIONATE.

what say you?

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