Sunday, February 24, 2008

Disappointment brings passion

Okay, i officially only have blogging time
on Sundays.
Don't EVEN mention weekdays,
cos...if u're a Sec4, u'll understand.
MORE tests.
they come in truckloads,i'm telling u
All that crap about maximum no. of tests = 3/week
oh,please.. we get it everyday.
n im not even counting the quizzes.
or assignments due

Oh well, O lvl year... i should have expected it

The past week was not eventful at all
besides having IMPROVEMENT in
Basha timing
=D elated.
Even duing self training, when Sir was sick
(get well soon!)
and Ma'am was busy, it wasnt half bad

Friday was great too. Hot day
Hard ground (worst scenario)
but we managed to do ~12mins
without wanling

I gotta confess though, when i heard about
"it". i thought, "hey, whatever..."
then when i heard it wasn't wad i thot it was
okay, a slight smile there
like a glimmer of hope
radiating from a flickering flame
Most recently, i heard it was BOTH.
including what i strived for.
what i wanted.
what i had always dreamed about.

She might deserve it,
but the means she took to get there
all those OTHER factors
academics? personality?
i guess it really don't count huh.

She on the other hand,
got it ONLY because it would seem
wrong? if she didnt.
too bad if i don't see the effort.

Disappointment brings passion

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