Friday, February 01, 2008

Rain rain go AWAY

Rain rain go away...
come again after campcraft com!

I really am putting in 101% into the
campcraft competition
So is everyone else.
Therefore, i wanna apologise
for maybe being too ji1dong4
about getting 12mins n perhaps
shouting at the rest...


Even though there was improvement
the rain honestly killed all possibility
of "practise makes perfect"

Anyways, it was still memorable.
=) hahha, im saying that...
rain started to pour
n since we thought
(or sir n ma'am thought)
it would be a passing shower,
so we took shelter under some staircase
that the construction workers put up
it was jus nice for the whole team
plus sir & ma'am...

But SOON, the "passing shower"
hahahah, like became typhoon
so i said "Sir, can go up to stadium?
Zhe4Yang4 xia4qu4 bu2 shi4 ban4fa3"
ahha, so we ran. with the rain
and the muddy field.

Lightning and thunder...
YET, the flagstaff still stood
throughout the whole storm.
Tree branches broke,
softball fences dou1dao3,
but the flagstaff. WAH 0.0
good job guys =D

well nth much after
besides a little TALK
with the sec4 squad.
very enriching i must say..
at least, we said our bit
comments n feedbacks

yea, pioneer batch
isn't easy.

"u have to experience it to know it"

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