apparently im feeling a tad bit distant.
especially when so few of u tag!
on another note tho, thanks for all the concern today
I'm no longer
but it still hurts(unfortunate time of the month fyi).
N, No leon. Im not in the hospital..
haha, i think Van's got to you...
So just wanna thank some peeps
my fav gals V n YK (rach wasnt thr, but i'm sure she'd've done the same! =) )
-for sending me to the GO/Classroom with my MILO and calling mommy for me
n educating the very much ignorant leon/sc/roy. hahaa
as well as my other 4Bmates (ignorant or not)
-for saying BYE! or TC! or even "does it relli hurt?"
plus a few other non 4B-ers who someway or another found out n were concerned =D
SHEENA!, stef<3, lewis n mbc
thanks thanks =) ur care's very much appreciated
Lastly (but most definitely not least)
the adults. haha, mommy n Mdm Ho.
no link except them being adults. but mom rushed over to sch ASAP to pick me up, make me porridge n then went back to work again=)
Mdm Ho actually boiled water for me during bio lab =D she offered aspirin/paracetemol but i said no thanks n this was her reply
"good also la. Just let the pain pass.
It'll help prepare you for preganacy."
0.o ha. never seen it that way before...
so.. anws, yesterday was NPioneers reunion as well as the 41st council investiture (not so much interest in the latter compared to the former) as well as our 11th month =)
Investiture was okay, didnt drag on like i though it would. n performance was SOOOO last minute. haha, the audience was like 0.o? has it finished?
oh! n i met this gal from dunman high (councillor)
she's siting, sheena's gd fren fr pri sch. haha ncie gal (NP de! of cos laa... =) but there r still exceptions... mariam for one. )
Swensen's @ tm after attempting to unite the whole squad. always looks big when we're tgt.
=) taking tht as a good thing
brought back great memories... POP n all. Missed a few peeps tho, hope we can do this again sometime! pics will try to ooze their way here. But for now, enjoy! :
Lisa & I (POPAP--Passing-Out-Parade-After-Party)
held at TWL's condo's function rm (noisy kids next door. grr)

clockwise from bottom left:
Jolene,MengYee,YuTinn jie,MinHui jie
together we make SQUASH. or we SQUASH
whichever u pref =)

do forgive the puffy-eyes. too TOO much crying

Okay, THIS is the source of puffy-eyes.
basically its our darlings from sec2
plus a few sec4s in e bottom row.
Namely, me, rachel, jolene, michelle (higher up)
lijing n leona (with the pretty daisy!)

YanLing, me!
AHNPionners woosh!
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