Monday, November 01, 2010


I can't remember how i spent the last 2 weeks before my Os-
the last major exam I took

But I'm pretty sure it wasn't like this.

I wake at 11, depending on how bright my room is (which depends on whether or not the curtains are drawn)
I squander (yes squander) my time away with breakfast, a magazine or newspapers until i realise i should be doing something else.

I start work on a good day at 2pm
With in between facebooking, youtubing and whatnot
(which i deceive my mind to be checking for solutions to some past year paper. Which i DO! when i finally do.)

At 4.30pm, the sprinklers go on
I feel like crap cos that means its 4.30pm
(my house has no clock. pfft)

And i feel MORE like crap when i know everyone is studying the butts away.
Except me.

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