i was feeling beat up
after the realisation of being used as a means
to some end known as entertainment
a joke perhaps, a seemingly "innocent" laugh
And then after waking up later
i recalled GP lessons - discussions about philosophy
The Kantian Imperative in particular
This is what the Kantian Imperative says:
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law
in English: Do unto others what you would deem others appropriate to do
for example: consider littering. Yes, it would be convenient for one to rid of one's rubbish. But would it be OKAY (universal law) if everyone else did it? If your answer to that is NO, don't do it.
So yeah, back to my rant
What he did was clearly. Human?
Natural instinct.
To make someone the butt of a joke (means) for one's own pleasure(end)
Without a semblance of concious thought
And I was angry for a whole ten minutes or so
The conclusion this morning?
To err is human
To forgive is divine.
And though i do not condone his actions
I don't want to bear grudges
For what good would it do to get beat up over someone who doesn't mean a thing
I forgive.
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