Friday, June 25, 2010

and the match begins

the long road race to the finish line began just about 15 hours ago
the silent gun-shot indicating the start of scribbling and flipping - deafening
a dash past hurdles of time, accumulated pressure and seeping contents haphazardly added at the last hour
before a whistle signifies the seal of semi-fate, all that can be done now is to look ahead

the race isn't over, not for several more moons
opponents will observe an opening - to attack and destroy
you. Them - not other runners focused on the finish line,
their names - complacency, over-expectations, fatigue and (possibly depression)

Overtaking such opponents isn't a cause for hoorays.
It's merely a ticket to continuing this race.
And a gentle reminder - you voluntarily registered for this
So see it through.

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