Remember that comprehension we did on freedom
With that funky "How free would you like to be?" AQ...
Weellllll, i think i experienced it today first-hand.
Lemme narrate.
Yesterday, after the end of econs paper (sigh of relief)
Nelly Yelly and Melly and I were discussing the possibility of watching a movie today
After Chem MCQ - which. Is pretty reasonable? No?
In my opinion-yes. So, we made plans for Step Up 3D - slow, i know
Paper 1 ended at 3, we thought we'd go to Lido for a 4.15 show
And so we made our way there (which is also kinda otw home)
I then proceeded to tell my mom about me going for the movie
(note: my mom's still very much a mother at this time in my life. I mean, she tells me to sleep at 10, or 11 depending on how busy she is to notice that i'm awake. She wants - needs - to know where i am always. She has never let me stay overnight anywhere except home (unless it's a school trip. Oh except this once during prom when i stayed with girlfriends @ Amara) She makes it a point that we all be home before 7pm. Which is standard dinner time. She's a tad overbearing. But, like i said, she's a mom. If you've known me long enough, there's probably a MOMent that i've whined about. Yes, end of note)
So today, i consciously thought
"Why not ASK her if i can go watch a movie and come back in time for dinner?"
(ask not tell. because she wants - needs - to know that her approval mattered in my decision-making process) Hence i did.
(Note: it was a conscious effort to ask her, mind you. As observed from Note1, there could be a possibility of her saying NO. which is the reason why i don't tell her most of the time.)
I sent her a message, telling her i had only one paper remaining, which was on Friday... and if it were ok if went out. For a 100 minute long break, involving moving pictures.
No. You're not done with your prelims.
Ouch, she then proceeded to ignore the rest of my pleas in the form of calls and texts - pity-inducing ones as well as angsty ones.
She'd said I was only to go if i could guarantee As. *inserts ridiculous face*
She threatened me with my housewarming/18th birthday party *inserts "SERIOUSLY??" face*
and then i stopped.
I mean who was I to go against her? Puny insignificant and unable to produce As.
If I'd gone to watch the movie without her knowledge, she wouldn't have known. But i had to tell her. And i got nothing for being honest. What's the upside of integrity again?
Once i got home, i was intent on making her realise that
A) i deserved a break after 15 papers.
B) the party had no relation whatsoever to my grades - hence should not be used as a carrot to dangle over my head
C) it was just a movie - i would have spent that same amount of time blogging right here right now about her inability to reason
D) All of the above and she should apologise
Except she cooked amazing fried rice (Zhengyu can attest to that), and kept mum (pun!) though the night. Till i offered her a cookie at 9pm.
Because i realised
A) I can't be pissed at her forever
B) At least i still have my party
C) It's only 3 months till the end of that letter ever being mentioned again - A
D) All of the above and hence I should be the bigger person
And so I gave up my day's freedom with other things in mind. I don't want to be ruffling feathers of someone whom i rely on over a movie right?