If you're the kind of guy who needs a schedule to go by, coupled with a daily to-do list, grocery lists and a real-time updated contact list... this is for you.
Being in a relationship requires work (no joke) and from time to time, it should come in the form of something...extra-ordinary. Spontaneous surprises, that is.
And before you jump to conclusions that such "surprises" have to be expensive or in any way tangible... think again. Depending on what you're comfortable with, and what she'd be over-the-moon about, (refer to Five Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman), it can range from a bouquet of flowers (or even a stalk really) to walking her to school without previously arranging to do so (hence. surprise).
These spontaneous acts may seem like a tall order. But really, it can be simple and equally heartfelt. Drop a note into her wallet when she's not looking or offer to let her decide on which movie to watch. Bring her on a date she's never experienced or to some place she's never been... The list goes on.
But the main point is, to add that spark of excitement to your relationship once in a while. Not so because "things are getting mediocre/boring" but more so because you want her to be happy(:
"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own"
Moral of today's story: Do something. Something she wouldn't suspect. Something... smile-inducing ;D
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