Monday, December 21, 2009
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk revealing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowdIs to risk rejection.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk disappointment.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard
In life is to risk nothing.
Those who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing,
And become nothing.
They may avoid present suffering and sorrow, but they
Will not learn, feel, change, grow, love, or live.
Chained by their fear, they are slaves who have forfeited
Their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
And the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward
this is so good, i had to take it off Jo's blog(:
i'm going to print this out and stick it somewhere. ahha
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Philly! Day 10 & 11
Breakfast at home before we left to explore Philadelphia. I studied the map with attractions and all the night before, so I led us four around today.
Our first stop was Washington Park, where we saw squirrels (that willingly posed for me!)! Walking MORE to the historic part of Philly again, we went to this Visitor’s Centre and got free tics to a tour.
I was pretty hyped up because daddy usually doesn’t go on tours inside buildings/museums. But
since this tour of the Independence Hall was free, why not right? Unfortunately, the tour was A BORE. A terrible BORE. History lessons aren’t as boring. Wasted my time in there… at least we got warmth?
Franklin’s Court was next on our agenda. Here, we posted our(Singapore)selves a postcard! Haha, I don’t know why, but since we did the same in Vatican City (2 years back), why not? (:
We stopped at Campo’s for lunch and had more philly cheesesteaks! Fulfilling I must say. Especially the freshly-cooked meat that’s steaming is more than I can ask for after walking in the cold…
Penn’s Landing was close by, so we just walked on and saw from afar, the bridge that linked Philadelphia to New Jersey. By then, I couldn’t stand the winds (which got worse since we got closer to the river..!) Thankfully, we soon took a subway to 30th St. Station. Here, we were to pick up our rented car, but Daddy said we were early so we just admired the pretty neoclassical designs in the interior, very grand(: for some reason, after having a 99c HOT CHOC from Dunkin’ Donuts, I fell asleep on the bench waiting for the car. An hour or so passed, and finally.
We got our snow-white 4WD Dodge. CAR = less walking = AWESOMEZXZX
We DROVE (no more walkingggg!) to the north of Philly, to see the Boathouse Row and grabbed dinner. It was 10pm, just nice for free parking, when we arrived back at Belgravia.
[Day 11; 19th Nov]
What happened today? It snowed! Biggest snowstorm in Philly for 30 years!
We were planning to wake up at 6am today, but I only got up at 7 because Daddy took a whole
hour deciding whether or not we should drive to Canada today.
So we did! Drive. THE WHOLE DAY. So there’s really nothing exciting except us reaching there in 11 hours, in time for sleep. Haha! I finished reading “For One More Day” by Mitch Albom though, another good read.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Philly! Day 9
COLD. At least my fingers, toes, ears and nose thought so, the minute we walked out of 1811 - Belgravia, on our way to Old City. The east-ish part of Philly.
The first attraction we visited was the City Hall. I just love the architecture (it’s the tallest&largest masonry building in the world, having no steel frame and being built in 30 years!) and the trees all around it. Yes, the bare, seemingly lifeless trees really take my breath away(:
LOVE park was next. You know the famous LOVE sign was originally designed and placed in this park! They now have one in Orchard Road I think? We stopped by at Reading Terminal Market for lunch at about 2pm and we had GOOD FOOD. Pulled pork from Dinic’s and Philly’s Famous CHEESESTEAK (=
I had terrible cramps today (2nd day!!! Screamsss) which brought about bad moods and a grumpy Ash. While the rest of the family went jolly-walking around the market. We came across this Amish Corner and got dessert! That little pick-me-up came in the form of a Caramel Pecan Cheese Pudding ;) sweet, cold, smooth and cheesy. From Reading Terminal Market on 12th Street, we walked for what seemed forever, to 4th Street – Old City.
We passed by the Mint, the National Constitution Centre and Betsy Ross’ house (once owned by the seamstress who was believed to have sewn the first Stars&Stripes!). Elfreth’s alley was next. It was a quaint street, still tiled with cobblestone and lined with brick houses. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited residential streets in the country, dating back to the early 1700s.
I still felt pretty crappy the whole time walking, especially in the friggin cold wind. Biting at my face and hands… We found ourselves at Christ Church next. The bare trees swinging at the wind’s mercy caught my eyes again, even before the Georgian-Style church did. Christ Church's congregation included 15 signers of the Declaration of Independence. Revolutionary War leaders also attended Christ Church such as George Washington, Robert Morris, Benjamin Franklin and Betsy Ross. INTERESTING. Haha
It was almost 5 (time when most shops/attractions close) when we walked into the Liberty Bell Centre. Another building that held loads of history, it appealed more to the Americans I guess (as an icon of the American Revolutionary War)? It was just cool to know that the writing on the bell was quoted from the Bible(: Leviticus 25:10, it reads: Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof. A crack down the centre is its most well-known feature, ironically caused by an attempt to fix a smaller crack that first appeared.
As the sunset, we walked back (14 streets!! Grrr.) to the apartment for warmth and awaited dinner.
Five Guys (famous for burgers) was our chosen place for dinner! It was pretty good, seeing that toppings (like mushrooms, onions, lettuce and all) are free! We walked around a bit after dinner, and we went for GELATO! Oh please, don’t give me that WHAT?-it’s-so-cold-and-you-wanna-eat-ice-cream?! look. It’s always a MUST to eat ice-cream during winter. Heh. I had mascarpone, Bryan had Cranberry, my cousin chose pear bourbon.
Night-time came and we met with my cousin’s house-mate. CUTE. Hhahaha! =p independent and capable too! He’s like 22 and has got a stable job as a financial consultant. Don’t judge me and assume he’s ang moh, cos he’s a Malaysian Chinese.
Alrighty, going to bed now!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Los Angeles! Day 7; Philly! Day 8
[Day 7; 15th Nov]
Last day in LA.
Again, we did not do much… How’d I remember? Cos there are no photos taken of today. I can remember having Vietnamese food for lunch and dinner, plus this awesomely strong ICED COFFEE. But we didn’t visit any significant places. Not that I’m complaining, because I managed to almost finish The Pact. The book made me ponder a lot on the whole meaning of love and life. It’s a good read, borrow the book from me if you want!
That night, I slept pretty early, after awkward goodbyes were exchanged with J-Zach. Hmm, the next time I see him, he’d have changed a bunch.
[Day 8; 16th Nov]
Waking up at 4.30am in the morning didn’t seem like a great feat. We drove to the airport and got on the flight to Phoenix. After lunch and connecting flights, we finally arrived at Philadelphia International Airport in time for dinner. US Airways was terrible. HAHA, sorry, but I’m a total loyal Singapore Airlines fan. NO in-flight entertainment, how to survive hours on the plane???
Yeah, well, we grabbed a cab and headed towards 18th and Chestnut. My cousin’s co-renting an apartment there, and he’d only started working recently so I wasn’t expecting much.
When we got off the cab, WOW. His apartment had a NAME. “Belgravia”, it’s called. And the lobby was marble floored and had sofas and a floral centerpiece and carpets. WOW.
Going up to his apartment, (finding out it was actually a condo – it had facilities like a gym) was WOW too. 2 bedrooms, a HUGE living area, decent kitchen, 2.5 bathrooms. Bigger than my new house, I expect. Oh yes, I’d gotten news from Jac that the Pinnacle@Duxton (my new house from next year on – after renovation) is ready! Hee(:
My cousin brought us to this Sze Chuan restaurant he frequented in Chinatown. Okay, to be honest, I wasn’t a big fan. Just not to my liking I guess? I took photos anyway…
Walking back, it was pretty cold. Now I understand the term “BITTER cold”. Argh, I don’t remember Beijing/Switzerland/London being this unbearable. I miss Singapore! Can’t remember how it feels to perspire. HAHAHA. Oh well.
FYI, the time difference between Philly and SG is +13. So I’m half a day behind ya’ll(:
Los Angeles! Day 6
[Day 6; 14th Nov]
We fulfilled our cravings for PANCAKES this morning. Weekdays mean zero crowd, better service and less pressure on you to get out of the booth for the next in line(:
Pictures from the “Original Pancake House” will make your mouth water! Bryan, Mommy and I had German pancakes (served with lemon and icing sugar), Daddy had Swedish and Aunty Theresa ate crepes. SO GOOOOOD. It’s way better than IHOP (International House of Pancakes - Overrated)
Downtown Disney was next on our spontaneous agenda. Closest we went to Disneyland I guess. Mommy decided that Knott’s was sufficient a theme-park… And Disneyland’s REALLY expensive – USD79!! Pretty, sunny day to just walk around and window shop(: So good weather, we walked home! Hahah, yes. The whole Disneyland/California Adventure/Downtown Disney is a stone’s throw away from where we were staying.
The rest of the day was spent with me and The Pact. Till almost dinner, where we met up again with Aunty Jenny, Claire and Mike for dinner. Chinese again this time after which we bade farewell to the three of them. Won’t be meeting till next time. Which could be from a year to 5 years… Unless we meet up in NY? :D
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Los Angeles! Day 5
SURPRISE surprise. The boys and I managed to get up early today! Pretty early at least, give us some credit… We had planned to go to Pancake House for breakfast, but it was packed.
Adjourning to Po Folks was not a bad idea anyway. Oh yes, surprise #2? WE’RE GOING TO KNOTT’S! Uh huh, the sky cleared up really well and the sun shone through for us :D
After a heavy-but-normal-for-American-proportions egg&sausage&bacon&pancake&french toast breakfast, we headed for the theme park. By 12pm, we were on our first ride!

Sorry that there are no pics from Knott’s. Cos us kiddos went alone, my dad didn’t want to leave the camera with us. Oh well, I’ll source for some online? Just those of the rides maybe(;
Order of rides:
#1 Seirra Sidewinder (each ride vehicle rotates while moving!; pretty fast rollercoaster)
#2 Jaguar (Simple rollercoaster, not as thrilling but a good start to the day)
#3 Dragon Swing (Like Pirate Ship, but slightly smaller in scale and lower in thrill factor)
#4 Hat Dance (err, you know the spinning teacups thing? Yeah. Ha.)
#5 La Revolucion (LOVE this ride! Didn’t know where I got the guts to do this, but I went and screamed the whole way through. =p imagine a big rotating ring of seats attached to an arm that swings. It swings riders in both directions up to 120 degrees and at the same time, the ring rotates. However, we chose the side that was always at the top when the ring was swung up. FREAKING high. Awesome thrill. Suspended in the air, seated and body was parallel to the ground)
#6 Timber Mountain Log Ride (only went for this cos the riders coming out didn’t seem all that drenched. The ride comprised wo or three plunges into water after moving around the “mountain” looking at Santa’s elfs and Mrs Claus and listening to carols. If I were a kid, I’d be creeped out. There was a mechanical grin about each plastic doll bobbing back and forth that made me queasy…)
#7 Pony Express (New-ish roller coaster, riders sit as though they are riding a pony. So there’s this cushion clamping on your back to keep you angled at a weird incline of 45 degrees or so? It was a good ride, though short and not worth the discomfort)
#8 Ghost Rider (another favourite cos I psyched myself up for this. HEE. It’s got this extreme plunge and the speed plus consecutive plunges made my adrenaline pump. Jerky movements, but I liked it all the same. (: )
I went on La Revolucion again, once more being on top before it swung down. It was a different experience riding it in the dark though with the cool air hitting your face and a blur of flashing lights going off.
For dinner that night, Uncle Kok Pan made his world-famous steak, Aunty Theresa made honey mustard salad, Aunty Jenny, Claire and Mike brought salsa and chips. In conclusion? YUM.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
how i looked back
not in regret though, more like collecting my thoughts
then i wondered, "Was it just about timing? He just happened to be there at the right time."
Right. What did that mean anyways?
What did love mean? I know i'm starting to sound all Dr. Phil
But really, this is for me.
Each has a definition she'd like to call her own
"Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away"
"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
The Pact is turning out to be compelling indeed.
It has a say too
"Love is when you put someone's needs before your own. No metter how inconceivable those needs were; no metter how fucked up; no matter how much it made you feel like you were ripping yourself into pieces"
It's got me thinking, it's got me feeling, it's got me teary-eyed.
i admire jac.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Los Angeles! day 4
[Day 4; 12th Nov]
Waking up at 12 isn’t so bad huh? What sucks is that it’s raining! DAMN. That means no Knott’s Berry Farm. Not today at least… And looking at the weather, the precipitation seems pretty stubborn. Anyhow, I find myself having breakfast/lunch at a Chinese restaurant for Dim Sum.
Brunch wasn’t awesome, but satisfactory… We then went to D&Bs for some fun(: kids fun more like. J-Zach, Bryan and I went to play at the arcade for about 3 hours or so. Shooting, racing, collecting tickets, you name it! Hey, I just realized arcade games are so stereotypical! There’s nothing besides boy-ish, gory stuff. Really! Para-para and step dancing not included.
Dinner was at another Chinese restaurant. Zi Cha, nothing much to say about it? Heh. I’m taking food for granted, good food too.
Night activities were way more exciting! For some reason, after we’d all showered, we brought Cluedo out to play(: It was J-Zach, Aunty Theresa, Bryan, Uncle Kok Pan and myself and though I didn’t win both times I had fun anyhow. The guys are just GOOD at this deduction thing, I wasn’t even close..! After Cluedo we headed on to RISK. I hadn’t played it before, but what the heck right? After learning a bunch of necessary rules and stuff, we headed on as I tried to conquer Africa and Europe. Much suffering occurred until Bryan and J-Zach decided to ally. Uncle Kok Pan’s immediate reaction was to ally with me. DUH did I say yes! Uncle Kok Pan’s a natural at games. HAHA, the pair of us won in the end! (I know he could’vve won on his own, really!)
What family-game night could end without Pictionary? It was past midnight then, but we played 3-on-3 Female V Male, Dad sat out. The girls won of course ;)
I went to bed at 2am, after surviving rounds of laughter :D
Los Angeles! day 3
[Day 3; 11th Nov]
As expected, I woke up near midday today and had breakfast before practicing some piano. Oh yes, Mom was still nagging at me to practice, “Make use of this time to practice your piano! We’ll only be here for half a week more.”
We decided not to have lunch since breakfast was pretty filling. So, Target it was. Didn’t see much while shopping there for about two hours… We then went to get fruits from this really quaint fruit market before picking J-Zach from school.
T.J.Maxx was next on our shopping itinerary – not that we were scheduling anything – but I didn’t find much again here. Dinner was at a nearby BBQ place called Lucille’s and it was pretty delicious. What I loved most about that place was the interior and its ambience. Like those 1940s ranch houses, it hung irrelevant posters and quirky photos all around the walls. I took plenty of photos (of the ribs that we’d ordered too!). For appetisers we had onion rings, and this was really good. Portoin was so huge that even the six of us had trouble finishing up. It came with this yummy honey mustard sauce ;)
When the baby-back ribs and St. Louis pork ribs we ordered came, I was all too excited. But sorry to disappoint, the St. Louis at Café Cartel has more flavor and is way tenderer. All, but Dad, at the table agreed on that.
It was only 7.30pm when we got home and since it was chilly in the living room, we started a nice fire going(: I think it was hypnotizing watching the flames and sparks and ashes, which was pretty much why I took an early night. Plopping to bed, I even had on my button-up Gap jeans and sweater that I wore out that day.
It’s close to 2am now, and I’d gotten up after a five-hour “nap” to shower. And write in my journal. Tomorrow, or today technically, it’s Saturday and we’ll be going to Knotts’ Berry Farm. It’s America’s FIRST theme park and boasts crazy-thrill rides. Haha, I told myself earlier that I must break away from my phobia of roller-coasters that go three sixty. I hope I don’t back out!
Los Angeles! day3
[Day 3; 11th Nov]
As expected, I woke up near midday today and had breakfast before practicing some piano. Oh yes, Mom was still nagging at me to practice, “Make use of this time to practice your piano! We’ll only be here for half a week more.”
We decided not to have lunch since breakfast was pretty filling. So, Target it was. Didn’t see much while shopping there for about two hours… We then went to get fruits from this really quaint fruit market before picking J-Zach from school.
T.J.Maxx was next on our shopping itinerary – not that we were scheduling anything – but I didn’t find much again here. Dinner was at a nearby BBQ place called Lucille’s and it was pretty delicious. What I loved most about that place was the interior and its ambience. Like those 1940s ranch houses, it hung irrelevant posters and quirky photos all around the walls. I took plenty of photos (of the ribs that we’d ordered too!). For appetisers we had onion rings, and this was really good. Portoin was so huge that even the six of us had trouble finishing up. It came with this yummy honey mustard sauce ;)
When the baby-back ribs and St. Louis pork ribs we ordered came, I was all too excited. But sorry to disappoint, the St. Louis at Café Cartel has more flavor and is way tenderer. All, but Dad, at the table agreed on that.
It was only 7.30pm when we got home and since it was chilly in the living room, we started a nice fire going(: I think it was hypnotizing watching the flames and sparks and ashes, which was pretty much why I took an early night. Plopping to bed, I even had on my button-up Gap jeans and sweater that I wore out that day.
It’s close to 2am now, and I’d gotten up after a five-hour “nap” to shower. And write in my journal. Tomorrow, or today technically, it’s Saturday and we’ll be going to Knotts’ Berry Farm. It’s America’s FIRST theme park and boasts crazy-thrill rides. Haha, I told myself earlier that I must break away from my phobia of roller-coasters that go three sixty. I hope I don’t back out!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Los Angeles! Day 2
I woke up at 10am, two hours off my expectations. After getting out of the warm bed where I was literally sinking beneath the comforter and washing up, we headed to this Italian fine-dining place for brunch. It was gooood. You guys should just assume that every food place I mention from now on is GOOD. Hahaha, and fattening, and yummy. And good. Okay, moving on (there are loads and loads of pictures from Maggiano’s so, if you feel like feeling jealous about Calamari, Stuffed Mushrooms, Salmon, Lasagna, Ravioli, Chicken and Truffle, Tiramisu and Crème Brulee do check them out ;)) we shopped a lot after that.
Because it was almost 3pm after that heartening (or heartburn-ing) lunch, Aunty Theresa had to pick J-zach from school, leaving us to shop at Marshall’s, this department stall that has fantastic brands and awesome prices. I bought myself an O’Neill tank top (for US$9.99!) and Clement’s birthday present (: I think it’s so appropriate. Haha! While shopping at the Sports area, I found PRANA. Okay, I admit, I was looking for chalkbags but I found tops instead. SO PRETTY. There was one that’d match Gwen’s chalkbag..!
We reluctantly left Marshall’s at 5pm, having about 3 hours left till Aunty Theresa picked us up for dinner. We walked into Pak Sun, this shop which had brands like FOX (the riding brand), Split (my favourite!), Roxy and VANS. I almost bought a shirt and a pair of jeans, but the price and fit weren’t great, so I passed. Next, we went into Tilly’s! Yes, I came out with a bag… this time it was jeans. Not just any jeans, hon. Levi’s. And you’ll never believe the price! I got it for a mere US$26! Screams. The States is shopaholic paradise, admit it!
Dinner that night was at Kula’s, after meeting up with J-Zach and Aunty Theresa. Imagine Sakae Sushi, minus red plates and less variety. I enjoyed myself anyhow, grabbing plates off the conveyer belt. I don’t know how it happened, but I seemed to be the only one eating, constantly. Our table for six only raked up 23 plates. Epic fail right? I was responsible for more than a third of that. HAHAH. Yum.
I’m back home and it’s 10.22pm and I’m watching the guys play L4D again. After a bath, I’ll probably tuck me in cos tomorrow spells DISNEYLAND! Or California Adventure, technically :D all smiles baby ;)
PS: got your text! Thanks(;
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Los Angeles! Day 1
9th Nov – 31st Dec 2009
[Day 1; 9th Nov]
As I boarded SQ638 at 11.45pm that Tuesday, 8th Nov, I couldn’t help but feel sad leaving Singapore for such a long period. It wasn’t one thing in particular though, or someone for that matter. We were running late because our on-standby seats had only just been confirmed, hence for once, I didn’t exploit the free local calls from transit.
The flight was approximately six hours which I used to catch the Half Blood Prince (terrible, I agree with the masses…) and the remainder for resting and meals. Though we were on board the A380, this was probably the first time I’d felt queasy. =S sleeping wasn’t an easy task either; trying to get comfortable on their excuse for a “seat” probably took as long as the movie did.
It was 8’C in Narita when we’d arrived (7am; GMT+9) and we had 11 hours to kill in transit. Donning our coats, we walked around Narita Village and found ourselves in a temple. Pictures were taken, and I enjoyed the quaint shop houses and falling autumn leaves more than the temple. Bryan was really stoned by then, plus his attempt to sleep on a random staircase failed when the cleaners made him leave. Indeed, I was pleasantly surprised at the friendliness of the Japanese and their hardworking nature. When it was almost time to eat, we went to this famous Unagi place that a family we’d met on the plane recommended. It was SO GOOD. I just wished I had more appetite for the fantastic melt-in-your-mouth eel that was freshly slaughtered at the restaurant. Our family even sat on the floor to eat (the traditional way) though, I doubt we were doing it right.
Back in the airport, we slept on the seats at the Arrival Hall waiting for time to pass so we could check in and get on SQ12. This time, I managed a two-hour nap, way more comfortably may I add. We bought Royce chocolates in transit (at only 660 yen! Which is about S$9.00 (Taka sells it for S$15)) and I read a chapter of The Pact by Jodi Picoult, which I’d bought in KL’s kinokuniya.
This flight was 10 hours long, inclusive of 2 meals. The second I settled in my seat, I stretched across the adjacent (empty) seat between Bryan and dozed off, skipping dinner. I can’t remember what happened when exactly… but I re-watched 500 Days of Summer, this time taking note of when the songs were playing.
Favourite quote? Summer: They used to call me anal girl. (Tom chokes) I was very neat… and organized.”
Like the previous flight, I wasn’t feeling too good, especially after the lights were dimmed and I’d brushed my teeth. I had no appetite for breakfast because the sight of food made me want to grab for the sick bag. I can’t understand why it’s happening, I never once had trouble on long flights. I’m getting old. The last time to LA, I watched 4 movies in 24 hours, and though Bryan would get bloodshot eyes from watching 6, we never did complain. Actually, we usually welcomed long flights because in-flight entertainment is awesome.
Anyhow, we landed in LAX at about 12pm local time (GMT -8). And with an empty stomach, I waited surprisingly patiently for Uncle Kok Pan to pick us up and bring us to lunch.
We had yummy Vietnamese noodles, Pho, at a shop we frequented in Little Saigon. That, plus iced coffee, was plenty satisfying. By then, we’d also met up with Aunty Theresa (J-Zach was still at school) and my unhappiness on the flight had become history.
It’s 5pm and I’m now seated in their living room half-watching Bryan and J-Zach play Call of Duty on the Xbox 360. Dinner, so I’ve heard, comprises LOBSTERS (:
Check back later!
Monday, December 07, 2009

0815 – Slept in later today, and I woke up thinking, “It’s the last day already? =S” sigh, that feeling of departure and emptiness washed over me as I hurried to pack and told my roomies to get ready. I had famous amos cookies and tea for breakfast(:
0830 – Stepping into the cab for the last time with Ms Lim and XiQuan, we barely said a word. It was a comfortable silence though. Comfortable for taking a quick doze before gaping at Camp5’s exterior. 0.0 how could I have missed it all this time???
1000 – Anal-ism started around here. Philip warned us the night before that Camp5 was strict on rules and yes ATAS comes with tedious SOPs. We signed and filled up forms, took membership cards and had our pictures taken. It was
1200 – I initially wanted to boulder, but I had SOOOO much fun doing the high walls I didn’t want to stop! Hehee. Climbing on plastic again brought together technique and the new-found confidence we had. I think that channeled into climbing faster than we normally would have.
ROUTE #1 – Lime green 5C+ on top-rope
Easy climb, warm-up and moves that required momentum. I like.
ROUTE #2 – F. Orange 5C+ on lead.
Clement told me beforehand that it was pump-y toward the top plus I had to really commit to the big moves. But handholds were nice. As I got to the top, the pump in my forearms got the better of me. I wanted to give up. I wanted to down-climb and ask for tight. I wanted to fall off and make it seem like a slip. I shut those thoughts out, I mentally prepared myself for the last two panels and I reached the anchor. =) this climb boosted my confidence, and I was surprised at my determination to hang in there. Smiles all around.
ROUTE #3 – Marble 5C on lead
Fun climb, mostly jugs. Another route to get acclimatized to plastic walls (:
ROUTE #4 – Blue bridging 6A
This was an ungraded route. But if I had to grade it, I would say 6A. Firstly the holds aren’t great, and I had to depend a lot on my bridging, which was awkward at times due to high step-ups and disgusting handholds.. The final overhang near the top almost deterred me as well, but I got through after two attempts(: harder than Handsfree in school, and a different experience too.
ROUTE #5 – Blue pocket-y 6A
I wanted to do the 6A green tiles route that Jac and Rah had did earlier…but Kelly said I should attempt something harder. I asked her for the grade, because once again, it didn’t appear on the topo diagram. She said it was 6A but slightly harder than green. The tiles here… were mostly pockets and I remember there being a crux and I had to ask Val for help. I managed to on-site the route and dealt with the pumpiness! :D
Val and I sat there and watched Philip lead the this under-graded 6C+ route that Clement tried out. It was one of those rare moments that he grunted and growled and stepped with somewhat less preparedness than usual. Inspirational indeeeed.
1600 – We left to shower in the ATAS shower room, and then dined at the extinct A&Ws. It isn’t as good as I remembered it to be, and rushing through the meal didn’t make it taste any better..
1730 – Got on to First Coach and bade Philip & Kelly goodbye(: the bus home comprised half the movie “Just Friends” and card games and a marathon-massage session. Yes, I massaged Shakila, then Jo, then Sherwin. I can’t remember who else, but my thumb cramped after all that. Haha, I had some alone-time reading the mockingbird too(:
2330 – We arrived back in